Eksternalitas (Negatif) dan Lingkungan Hidup
There is scarity of the amount of the resources in the world, on the other hand some one who need is more and more every year regarding the amount of the people. Because of that scarity so environment should be included in the economic issue, and it is not eksternalitas anymore. As we know that economy is about the effort to utilize something scary efficienly, so it serve every body who need. They are so many person, whether as the producen or society who still do not aware and care about that scarity of the resources, so the earth, the climate are not good enough recently, there are so many problem of earth disaster, such as earthquack, river blood and others. Of course this earth disaster to be the worst problem for this generation and our next generation. The big thing that we have should be done right now is be ware, love our earth.
Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Alfin, Nur Qomariah
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